序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 发表刊物 | 发表时间(年,期(卷):页码) |
1 | 金焱 | Nucleation and Growth of Alumina Inclusion in Early Stages of Deoxidation: Numerical Modeling | ISIJ International | 2010,3(50):371-379 |
2 | 薛正良 | Ti-Deoxidized Products and Formation Mechanism of Intragranular Ferrite in High Grade Pipeline Steels. | Jouranl of Iron and Steel Research, International | 2010,7(17): 63-67 |
3 | 高运明 | 利用电化学方法测定高温银液中氧的扩散系数 | 金属学报 | 2011,3(46):277-281 |
4 | 陈长军 | The effect of laser-induced oxygen-diffusion hardening on the surface structure and scratch resistance of commercially pure Ti | International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering | 2010,3(4):214-226 |
5 | 常庆明 | Effects of Process Parameters on Quality of Squeeze Casting AL365 alloy | International J. of Cast Metal Research | 2010,1(23):30-36 |
6 | 宋新莉 | Phosphorus segregation behavior at the grain boundary in a Ti-IF steel after annealing | Scripta Materialia | 2010,63: 446-448 |
7 | 宋新莉 | Effect of Phosphorus Grain Boundaries Segregation and Precipitation on Mechanical Properties for Ti-IF Steel after Recrystallization Anneaing | Journal of Material Science and Technology | 2010,9(26): 93-797 |
8 | 潘成刚 | Microstructure and Thermal Physical Parameters of Ni60-Cr3C2 Composite Coating by Laser Cladding | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition | 2010,6(25): 91-995 |
9 | 朱远志 | Microstructure and Property of Ni76Cr19AlTi Side in Inertia Friction Weld Joint of the Superalloy Ni76Cr19AlTi and the Martensite Stainless Steel 4Cr10Si2Mo | ISIJ International | 2010,11(50):1666-1670 |
10 | 徐光 | The Development of Ti-alloyed High Strength Microalloy Steel | Materials and Design | 2010,(31): 2891-2896 |